Thursday, November 17, 2011

To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee

" Shoot all the blue jays you want if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird"

This line is from the back of the book. The reason it's a sin to kill a mockingbird is because although there annoying their can still make beautiful music, and kill that music is like killing hope.

This book takes place in the South in a small inclosed town called Maycomb . It's about this little girl named Scout who was a tom-boy who always wanted to fallow her brother. Her father named Atticus was a lawyer. During this story he is defending a case. The case was a rape case defending a negro, the town how ever was a racist. During the book everyone in the town thought that Atticus was crazy for fighting for a negro's rights and that Atticus and Atticus didn't mind too much even though his reputation as a lawyer was on the line. But I shan't ruin the rest of the book for you, you'll just have to go and read it for your self I recommend it for all readers and if your too lazy you can get the basic idea of it from the movie.


  1. I like how you analyzed the quote in depth and gave it a meaning. Also i really liked the meaning of killing a mockingbird is a sin.

  2. I tried reading To Kill A Mockingbird before but didnt get far haha. I want to read it again after reading your response. It sounds interesting and kind of sad.
