Sunday, November 27, 2011

2 person poem

I can't stand where I live.
I get babied and will never know how to fend for myself.
I have two jobs and i can't afford to go to school, i will never be educated.

I wish I didn't have to go to school,  everyone always asks me for money or if I can get them concert tickets, and my parents pay my teachers to give me good grades and all I get to do is sit down and relax they even make me watch t.v. to make sure i have a good time but I just want to be treated normally.
I wish I could go to school,  I've heard its awful but learning sounds like fun.

I wish my parents would let me live my life instead of cradling over me every minute
of the day.
I wish I had parents mine died, killed by Americans.

I wish I wasn't an only child.  I wish I had some one to fight with every day and hate my guts.
I am forced to live with my aunt, my ten cousins, my two brothers and my four sisters and I'm the oldest we share one roof which is really just the sky.

I wish I could be normal.

2 articles about bullying

In the first article I read about cyber-bullying and how it isn't always the typical stereo type such as, it isn't always boy, girls are starting to become more violent. They are also saying that the reason you see more cyber bullying now-a-days is because there are so many social networks and that you can't always tell who's on the other side of the conversation. Also since its not face to face then you don't have to see what the other person is feeling and they don't see what you are feeling. Even if it is a joke the other person might not know, and they might be really hurt. You may never know what is going on in the other persons head. It is also easier because you can't see their face so it brings less mercy. In Virginia, the Board of Ed guidelines state that you can not sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images. 

In the other article I read about bullying in schools. The results of a survey showed that 25% of children in schools in America get bullied at least once a day. The States have been trying to address the issue in schools (which our school does very well). Some of the bullying has gotten so bad that kids as young as nine years old have committed suicide due to bullying. One of the lines in this article is ""the most damaging kind. ...It makes you say to yourself, 'there's something wrong with me,'"". Now that line makes you wonder what kids are trying to do and why are they bullying kids? is it because they got bullied or get bullied and need to get their anger out, or is it that they think that the kid isn't perfect. The one thing I have to say is that no one is perfect and they never will be. To one person they are perfect, to the next they aren't everyone has their own view. 

Now to conclude no one should get bullied whether
its cyber-bullying or just face-to-face bullying. You should never pick on anyone for any reason whether they have a disability, or are different than you.  You have no right to because what goes around comes around.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

2 great blogs I read

On great blog I read was the Liberian's Daughter by Amanda Grad in Class 806.  It was about a graphic novel.  Here is the post:

Around the World (a Well-Written Graphic Novel) #3
I know what you're thinking: a graphic novel for elementary school kids can't be all that interesting.  It was quite educational and was chock-full of biographical information about a bicyclist, a journalist, and a sailor.  However, there was also some insight as to why these people traveled where they did.

Thomas Stevens broke the routine and simplicity of his life as a miner to bicycle (on a big-front-wheeled one) through new and exciting places.  His story really is the most like a fairy tale; people all over the world invited him into their homes, fed him, told him stories, gave him directions, and gave him their companionship.  His days of working in coal mines were over, thanks to the generous pay for stories of his adventures

Nelly Bly dissolved barriers when she took her trip around the world as a reporter.  She definitely did it via any mode of transportation she could manage including trains, boats, carriages, and horses.

On his tour around the world, Joshua Slocum looked for closure after his wife died, and traveled by sailboat.  He visited his wife's grave, but didn't seem to find what he was looking for.

All three travelers were inspired by Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 days.
I love graphic novels and this one the way she discribed it sounded sooooo amazing it made me want to jump out of my chair and get the book and never put it down.  It was just fantastic and I like how Amanda told us where the inspiration came from.  I especially liked the format.  It wasn't just one or two large paragraphs, it was like the stanzas of a poem.

The link the Amanda's blog is:

The next really good one I read was by Alisha here is the post I read

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Dear Chas,
Omg, omg I was reading this book called Mexican whit boy by Matt de la Pena. It about this boy who is trying to Fugger out who he is you can say, he lives with his mom in northern san Diego he live in the wealthy part his name is Danny Lopez  he is 16 years old his mom is white and his father is Mexican.
In the book Danny goes to Mexico to look for his father and see if this society is right for him but he find out that here is not for him either because he does not speak Spanish but he find his cousin, and his cousin introduces him to the neighborhood and he meets this kid named Uno , Uno punches him in the face right when he meets him  he punches Danny in the face but as the story goes on Uno and Danny become the best  of friends and they start to do things like raise money for things they need or want. Danny and Uno are to very good baseball players Danny is good at piching Uno is good at batting so they practice together and in the us Danny has received offers to play on a collage baseball team but he turns the offer down.
 Chas you should read this book A.S.A.P
Love Alisha,your best friend in the whole world

I liked it because it was written in a letter format.  I also like how she started it and how she wrote it like she was talking to her friend. It sounds like a really good and a very engaging book.  I am going to look for that book.
The link to Alisha's blog is:

A House on the Hights by Truman Capote

This book is about you guessed it Brooklyn Hights. It talks about why he likes Brooklyn Hights as he said "Hights because it stands atop a cliff that secures a sea-gull's view of Manhattan and Brooklyn bridges, of lower Manhattan's tall dazzle and the ship-lane waters, breeding river to bay to ocean, that encircle and seethe past posturing Miss Liberty." He tells us about the house he used to live next to and how long it has been in Brooklyn Hights. He said that it was built in 1790 for a ship captain but the period prints dated to 1830 he says it's the oldest building. He used to live in Brooklyn Hights not because he was forced but by choice.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee

" Shoot all the blue jays you want if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird"

This line is from the back of the book. The reason it's a sin to kill a mockingbird is because although there annoying their can still make beautiful music, and kill that music is like killing hope.

This book takes place in the South in a small inclosed town called Maycomb . It's about this little girl named Scout who was a tom-boy who always wanted to fallow her brother. Her father named Atticus was a lawyer. During this story he is defending a case. The case was a rape case defending a negro, the town how ever was a racist. During the book everyone in the town thought that Atticus was crazy for fighting for a negro's rights and that Atticus and Atticus didn't mind too much even though his reputation as a lawyer was on the line. But I shan't ruin the rest of the book for you, you'll just have to go and read it for your self I recommend it for all readers and if your too lazy you can get the basic idea of it from the movie.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Social action

Hearts are worn in these dark ages
You're not alone in this story's pages
Night has fallen amongst the living and the dying
And I try to hold it in, yeah I try to hold it in

The world's on fire and
It's more than I can handle
I'll tap into the water
(I try to pull my ship)
I try to bring more
More than I can handle
(Bring it to the table)
Bring what I am able

I watch the heavens and I find a calling
Something I can do to change this moment
Stay close to me while the sky is falling
Don't wanna be left alone, don't wanna be alone


Hearts break, hearts mend
Love still hurts
Visions clash, planes crash
Still there's talk of
Saving souls, still the cold
Is closing in on us

We part the veil on our killer sun
Stray from the straight line on this short run
The more we take, the less we become
A fortune of one that means less for some

[Chorus x2]


This song is in response to how many people are living below the poverty line and how many of them don't even have the correct esenssals for even living. And that we whom have enough money and can afford food and clean water spend money on stupid things like making a video perfect and spending enormous amounts on directors and make up artist just so our video will be the best of it's ability instead of helping the less fortunet who most defenetly need it more than us. Also about economical greed and how we should just live life to the best we are able and that we should all contribute to society and give a little community services and. And haw we should all be " giving back ".
We shodnt be taking what we have forgiven because there is some one the same age as you on the other side of the world whom is less fortunet than you. And you never know that person around the world could be you one day. if you want to spend money you should also only spend it on what you need not what you want. And why not save up that money and give it to a good cuse.

Watch the video on you tube and you will under stand it is called World on Fire by Sarah McLachlan

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Name of This Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch

The title of the book I am currently reading is The Name of This Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch. The whole book is a mystery you don't know anything about the characters not even the setting. In the first chapter you know how in every book you read it introduces you to the main characters it gives you a setting well the first chapter in this book is two pages long and it just has xs in the form of sentence. But then in chapter one and a half it explains why he cant tell you where the story takes place and makes you imagine who the people are and he tells you that he is giving you made up names and then he tells you to imagine your town and your house and your school and put the main character Cass in there. And he gives you very vage details about the basic things you need to know about a person. Even in the first page of the book it says read at your own risk which just makes you want to read it. And it's just a very strange book but it can take you in to this compleat made up world because the author lets your imagination guide the book and it gives you a better image. I recommend the book if you have a very wide imagination. But it's up to the reader.