Sunday, May 20, 2012


Protect your eyes if you're going to watch the solar eclipse By Associated Press Published: May 20, 2012 at 8:00 AM PDT Last Updated: May 20, 2012 at 9:11 AM PDT Today in the western hemisphere of the united states and eastern Asia there I suppose to be a full eclipse. After the eclipse there is support to be a ring of sun comming from behind the moon called a ring of fire and this is a once in a life time event if you get to see it. But don't forget to cover your eyes.

Plagerisum is bad!

There are many differnt types of plagerisum such as ... ""The Labor of Laziness" The writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from other sources and make it all fit together, instead of spending the same effort on original work." ( that's just one of them there are more and that's only when the source is not cited. Most people think that if they cite the source that they arnt plagerizing. If your going to take some ones ideas you should give them credit. Also teachers hate and know when you plagerize because they know how well you write.


What happens to a dream deferred?

      Does it dry up
      like a raisin in the sun?
      Or fester like a sore—
      And then run?
      Does it stink like rotten meat?
      Or crust and sugar over—
      like a syrupy sweet?

      Maybe it just sags
      like a heavy load.

      Or does it explode?

I like this poem because you can experiment with it. There is always a sort of rhythmic tone and it has a lot of discriptive imagery. I like the end where it says "or does it explode?" because it is a great way to end with a question it makes the reader think more and it helps draw them back to read the poem again, that's how it drew me in. That is also the question that brought me back to this poem.

Now I do know that this isn't the ideal poem where it rhymes, poems don't have to rhyme. Some poems get twisted arowned The "rules" but poetry is about feeling ps not format. It's about getting out you message to the world. Most poems don't fallow the typical rhyming.

Blog posts that I like

I liked Israt's blog post THE ABSOLUTELY TRUE DIARY OF A PART TIME INDIAN: spoiler alert because I haven't read the book yet and she made me want to read it. It wasn't too long so that it would be boring but it wasn't to short that it wouldn't have any key features. I read it even though it was a spoiler alert.and it was really detailed and just in general a great blog post. The next blog that I read and liked was Grace's blog on plagerisum because it gets the point out that PLAGERISUM IS BAD and that kids shouldn't do plagerize. And she had some really good points that helps if you feel like plagerizing like... "2. Instead of using the exact words from the article, the student could have paraphrased and said something like this: There is a feeling of peace and calmness in this painting. Maybe the contrast between the dark shades of blue and the bright warm reds, golds, and oranges symbolize childhood memories of happier, simpler times. The night sky represents the dull sadness of Van Gogh's life as an adult but the stars are there to symbolize the distant memories that live on. That was an example of paraphrasing. I used the same idea of the original text but instead of copying the words, I used my own." Which helps me since I always have the thought that my words wouldn't mean the same or won't work as well so that is one tatick that I use.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Untitled sonnet

We walk off the red bus hand in hand
As we galloped into the far distance
Threw the meadows , and down towards the sand
You are the key to my lone existence
Why do you go leave me my love?
Is it because you are too good for me
You are like a free and soulful dove
Free to be however you want to be

Why can't you accept me for what I am?
I know that we only meet on a bus
When I see our love I can feel like dam
The birds started chirping because of us

Come on my boo, take me into your "type"
I am not all that great "hype"

Monday, February 6, 2012


What is poetry?

Amass of descriptive words
All relating to
Each other
About an object, felling, person, or something
That the poet cares about
Does not have to rhyme
But can be rhythmic
A way to describe ones words about something
To express emotions
Or thoughts
Not always interpreted how the poet might have wanted
But told by

What happens to... Poem

What happens after a heart breaks...

Does it shrivel up sole less
In a gallon of chocolate mush
Or does it break in to many pieces
Like a puzzle
To find its place

Created madness
Not only by one sole
But by many

What happens when I see them again?

The soup can

Ohhh you different one
You plane
Yet playful one

The one with the golden touch
The one with the familiar colors
Ohhh you know how to
Please the sole

Yet you very complex one
Many say
They may paint it the same way

But me thinks how one can come upon you
But how are you thought of in this large world?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Andy Warhol

As a young child Warhol was obsessed with fame, fortune, and glamor. He used to cut pictures from magazines and newspapers of Hollywood film stares, he also collected autographs. As time went by his interest grew, he wanted to know more about the Hollywood lifestyle and how it would be to be famous, but who wouldn't wonder what there live would be like if they where famous. Both of Warhol's parents came from Milkova ( which is now know as Slovakia ) to the United States. When Warhol was a student in the summer he would work at a department store he would look at all the European fashion magazines. (Bolton, pages 6,7,9).

As Warhol grew older so did his artistic abilities. He went towards pop art. But although his talent changed his love for Hollywood stars never did. But that's a different paragraph. Pop art is a art technique that was very popular in the 20th century. It takes everyday products and gave it abstract artist touch, it also had a lot to do with reproducing the same picture over again but always different ways. (

This piece of art work (shown above) is called the soup can and was painted in 1962. When he did pop art he did a lot of famous people like Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley, he also did name brand products like Brillo, and Campbell's. Not only did he Campbell's tomato soup a lot of times but he also did campbell manhattan clam chowder and many others. When he made his other art works he made them very colorful and bright which makes you think rainbows and happiness.

Now in his other works of art it seems very complicated. But in the Soup Can its very simple yet complex with the details that he focused on like the ridges on the top ad the sort of side ways O in soup, and the design on the bottom under the word soup. I think that he wanted it to be so plain and simple because it is different from all of his other bright works maybe it shows how he was when he was younger different. Or maybe be because it stands out and he wanted to stand out of the crowd. Or maybe because it's such a known brand that a lot of us Americans grew up with and he wants to make the adults go back and remember how it was when they where younger. Or maybe he signed a contract that no one knew about with Campbell's soup and wants people to buy more of it. Or maybe he was trying to put one of his favorite products out there and make it pop out to everyone, the possibility are endless.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry By Walt Witmen

In this poem Walt asks a question: why do we all go back up to the rail on the ferry and look at the water flowing and the sun as hits the seagulls and why do all the generations after him go back to that same spot? He didnt anticipate the building of the Brooklyn bridge or the industrial revelation he thought that every thing would stay the same as it was back then that Brooklyn would still be like the country very hilly and grassy, and that manhattan would still be verry manufactured, and that everything with years on to go would still cross over the river by ferry. Even tough all this has changed we all still go back to that same spot, we all lean over the rail, we all look at the water as the tip of the ferry breakers through every wave, we still look at the seagulls and how the sunlight hits them and how it showes the golen side where the hits them and then the shadow casted apon the water. And how that 50 years, 100 years, and hundreds of years from then that other will see what he saw and that we all wonder what he wandered.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Painter on a planet of blind people. By Michael Disends

This story is all about one court handball.  Yes,  I know how hard that is to believe but apparently it was a game that was very popular and taken very seriously in parts of Brooklyn.  This story is set in Coney Island.  It talks about the old time players,  the people who place bets on the games.   There is even a hall of fame for handball.  The story describes the strategies in handball, like in any sport.  It also describes the borough of Brooklyn and all the different people who live there.  It is the story of one player Joe Durso who is at the top of the game.  But he is getting old.  Joe concludes at the end of the story that  "this game is all about I'm better that you, its not like painting where you're trying to communicate some principal.  It's just im better than you...".  In this statement, Joe is stating that the game he has spent so much of life perfecting is "childish" and is an "ego confrontation".

Revised two person poem

I can't stand where I live.
I get babied and will never know how to fend for myself.
I have two jobs and i can't afford to go to school, i will never be educated.

I wish I didn't have to go to school,  everyone always asks me for money or if I can get them concert tickets, and my parents pay my teachers to give me good grades and all I get to do is sit down and relax they even make me watch t.v. to make sure i have a good time but I just want to be treated normally.
I wish I could go to school,  I've heard its awful but learning sounds like fun.

I wish my parents would let me live my life instead of cradling over me every minute
of the day.
I wish I had parents mine died, killed by Americans.

I wish I wasn't an only child.  I wish I had some one to fight with every day and hate my guts.
I am forced to live with my aunt, my ten cousins, my two brothers and my four sisters and I'm the oldest we share one roof which is really just the sky.

I wish I could be normal.

A great poem

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Submitted Date :  Friday, January 03, 2003
Submitted Date :  Thursday, May 15, 2008
This poem by Robert Frost is about being different and pealing away from the group, or as he puts it, "I take the road less traveled by". Frost finds himself having to decide between two paths in life. He decides that he will take the path that most have not. By doing this he is creating his own individuality. Like that saying "it's not the destination, but the journey that counts." This poem is also, saying that its alright to be different. He is creating his own life not following anyone else, to be unique.

You Have to Stop This. By Pseudonymous Bosch

This is the fourth book in Pseudonymous Bosch's crazy series. This book starts in 1212 bc. The books in his collection are fiction and hold a diffrent mystery in the each book. You never really have a fully developed character. All you have is, for instance Cass, a name. You have to develop the character youself which helps keep you in the book and lets you have a creative part in it. It is like you have a pre-finished book and all you need are the characters. It is kinda like that game that we did with Grace from MOMA where you got a sheet from a magazine and cut it. You cut out a body part and fold the paper over so that no one could see what you put, but you left a litte hint, kinda like that. The reason it's like that is that you can create your own character and let your a imagination run free.